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Studio Terra Fives 

For Children Five Years of Age
Studio Terra offers arts and creativity-based learning on a foundation of stimulating and nurturing the  teacher, family, and child community. With focuses on global, environmental, and cultural awareness, as well as social development within the creative group, the children and teachers develop compassionate communication practices. The heart of the curricular program is centered upon exploring the seven continents and five oceans and researching the inner workings of the biome.


The unique and emergent voice of the newly five-year-old child is celebrated in solo endeavors, collective projects, and field explorations in nature, coupled with academic standards. The growth of children in Studio Terra is based on their connection to their own creativity and burgeoning knowledge amid friends, teachers, family, and the world. This foundation allows for an enhanced social-emotional and cognitive matriculation to academic centers beyond Studio Creative Play for kindergarten and first grade.





Studio Terra Provides:

  • Excellent teacher to student ratio (two teachers to fourteen children), allowing each child to thrive as they are guided as a creative learner and community member.

  • Exemplary curriculum spanning a tour of the unique geological, cultural, and societal features of each continent and the many diverse people and countries around the globe.

  • Devotion to social-emotional growth and creative expression that yields joy and blooms a love of learning.

  • An interdisciplinary approach where art, research, and project-based learning enhance academic study.

  • Mindfulness practices that nourish calm and empathy.

  • Playful and artistic explorations of environmental care of Earth.

  • Nature immersion and Forest Day programming where children receive the benefits of outdoor education throughout all seasons.

  • A holistic academic learning foundation from which children go on to thrive in a variety of school centers.

  • Proficient preparation for entry into kindergarten or first grade at a large spectrum of public and independent schools in Brooklyn and New York City.

Key Interdisciplinary Features:



  • Reading, Writing, Math

  • Poetry & Literature

  • Art & Drawing

  • Movement

  • Yoga

  • Meditation



  • Forest Day

  • Dance & Creative Movement

  • Cooking

  • Music & Vibrato program

  • Weaving

  • Sculpture

  • Spanish

  • Science


  • Museums

  • Artist’s Studios

  • Theatrical & Musical Performances

  • Libraries





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